As the body of Christ,

March Fellowship
Saturday, March 01 @ 12:30PM
Benny's Pizza & Burgers
All women of the church are invited to gather for food, fun, and fellowship at a local restaurant, usually on the first Saturday of each month. This month's luncheon will be held on Saturday, February 01.
Saturday, March 15 @ 8:00AM
Friedensburg Country Restaurant
All men of the church are invited to our monthly fellowship breakfast which is held at a local restaurant the third Saturday of each month.. This month's breakfast will be held on Saturday, February 15.
Sunday, March 09 @ 8:30AM
Are you are willing to host one of our Coffee & Conversation gatherings? It is as simple as making coffee and heating water for tea. If you would like to help with this hospitality ministry, please contact the church office.
Annual Events
FAMILY GAME NIGHT is held in January with a potluck supper followed by board games and our annual "Church Family Feud"!
PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH is held each year following the worship service and is served by the men of the church.
COMBINED WORSHIP & PICNIC is held each summer at Island Park with the congregation of St. Mark's UCC, Cressona.
CHRISTMAS CAROLING to "at-home" members is an opportunity for fellowship held on a Sunday during the Advent season.
Fellowship Groups
COFFEE & CONVERSATION is held several times during the year prior to the worship service and features coffee, tea, and light snacks.
MEN'S MINISTRY is open to all men of the church and meets the third Saturday of each month for breakfast and fellowship at a local restaurant.
WOMENS MINISTRY is open to all women of the church and meets the first Saturday of each month for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant..