This Week
@ Saint John's
SUNDAY | January 05
Epiphany Sunday
8:00AM Chancel Singers
9:00AM Holy Communion Service
Rev. Mark Dewald, Worship Leader
TUESDAY | January 07
9:30AM-3:00PM Church Office
THURSDAY | January 09
9:30AM-3:00PM Church Office
10:30AM SEEDS Weight Loss
SUNDAY | January 12
Baptism Of Christ
9:00AM Worship Service &
Installation of 2025 Consistory
Timothy Gipe, Worship Leader
10:00AM Sunday School
11:30AM Combined Worship Team
@ Saint Mark's Church
Services & Events
WEDNESDAY | January 15
5:00PM Search & Call Team
@ Saint Mark's Church
SATURDAY | January 18
8:00AM Men's Breakfast
SUNDAY | January 19
Unity Sunday
8:00AM Chancel Singers
9:00AM Worship Service
Rev. Kevin McLemore, Worship Leader
SUNDAY | January 26
9:00AM Worship Service
Rev. Mark Dewald, Worship Leader
10:00AM Sunday School
TUESDAY | January 28
6:00PM Consistory
Join us for worship!
click image for
January 05 Service
click image for
December 29 Carol Service
click image for
Christmas Eve Service
We invite you
to worship with us!​
PARKING - A small parking lot is located next to the church and can be accessed from River Street, which runs behind the church building. Ample on-street parking can also be found on East Main Street and Dock Street.
ENTERING THE CHURCH - You may use either entrance doors on the front of the building. Once inside, you will find a friendly greeter who will direct you to the Sanctuary, which is located on Level Two (or the Chapel on Level One if our service is being held there). If you need the elevator, they will assist you. Restrooms are located on the Ground Level.
ENTERING THE SANCTUARY - An usher will give you a worship bulletin to guide you through the service. Children's activity bags are also available. Offering plates are located on a stand inside each Sanctuary entrance (or just outside the Chapel).
DURING THE SERVICE - Please be mindful that the service is being recorded for those who are viewing online. If we are celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the elements (bread and wine/juice) will be distributed by the ushers. The Mite Family Room is available in the rear of the Sanctuary for those who have difficulty sitting for longer periods of time.
LEAVING THE SANCTUARY - At the end of the service, you may spend a few moments in prayerful reflection during the postlude music or exit using either of the stairwells. If you need the elevator, an usher will assist you.
January 2025
“Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.”
As we step into Advent and Christmas, the world around us seems to grow louder and busier. It can be easy to lose sight of the quiet miracle at the heart of this season: the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Advent is waiting time not wasted time - a time of looking forward with anticipation of what is to come. Each Sunday of Advent is an opportunity to reflect on the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love, as we light a new candle on the Advent wreath.
This year, I want to invite you to pause and focus on the One who came to bring light to our lives and hope to the world. How might you bring light to others this season? Could it be through a kind word to someone who is struggling, helping a neighbor, or simply being present with someone who feels alone? In these small but meaningful ways, we reflect the love and light of Christ.
There is no greater gift than to help someone experience the love of Jesus, and a simple invitation can be the first step. Please consider inviting someone to one of our Advent or Christmas services:
Sunday, December 1 @ 9:00AM
Sunday, December 8 @ 9:00AM
Sunday, December 15 @ 9:00AM
Sunday, December 22 @ 9:00AM
Tuesday, December 24 / Christmas Eve
5:30PM - Annual Handbell Recital
6:00PM - Candlelight & Communion Service
Sunday, December 29
10:00 - Service Of Carols at Saint Mark's Church
Let’s fill our sanctuary with hope, peace, joy, and love as we celebrate Christ’s birth. This Christmas, may you find time to step away from the noise, embrace the light of Christ, and reflect that light to others.
Timothy Gipe
Consistory President